One of the important experiences in my professional development was the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg in 2016, where I had the opportunity to work with Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi. During three-week program I have been introduced to the centuries-old traditional technique of miniature painting, from the Indian subcontinent. I have gained knowledge in preparation of materials, including brush-making, wasli-(paper)making and processing paints/pigments in a traditional way.
Applying the acquired knowledge in combination with western, classical painting, in which I was originally trained, I have been started working on opaque watercolor on paper and acrylic on panel paintings.
Using a diaristic angle, the series of work includes small scale paintings which explore and chronicle my psychological journey in moving from my homeland, Serbia, to America. The effects of this relocation are essentially linked to the introspection and observation about the relationship between the individual and society. Central theme of these art works revolves around the understanding of stuttering, concerning its complexities and adaptive challenges.
Stuttering is generally recognized by its difference and interruptions in flow of speech, and the repetition of sounds, syllables, or words. The cause of stuttering is still not understood, but it is known to have emotional and situational triggers, and to be neurological and physiological -- not psychological -- in nature.
I find it impossible to perceive a person as an entirety, while omitting the psyche of their rich inwardness. Here I am dealing with the subject matter through a psychological approach by attempting to find an answer to the disharmony of speech and the impossibility of controlling expression, lying perhaps in some insufficiently explored areas of a man, such as personal or collective unconscious. Additionally, I am trying to understand how much one's behavior is a reflect evoked by stimuli in the environment, or a consequence of that individual's history.
I perceive stuttering more than an obstacle in a person's everyday life. In fact, I see it as an incentive for the progress of the individual and as an inspiration for learning more about the complexities of the human being through artistic act.
In this body of work, I strive to perceive something unknown from the unconscious, then process it and finally represent through art work with a figures, symbols, shapes and colors. There are various themes arise, such as the trinity, the Self and archetypes (Carl Jung), Axis Mundi, knowledge and cognition, relationship between inner and outer spaces, our connection with nature.